Fantastic Friday: planetary alignment

Today, February 28, 2025, is a planetary alignment, in which 7 planets—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—appear on the same side of the sun, allowing us to view them all (mostly) by eye (or telescope). Several people asked if I was going to take a picture, since I …

Poetry: Starmen by Val Muller

Welcome to the Spot Writers. This month’s prompt is to write a poem about winter. Today’s tale comes to us from Val Muller, author of the kidlit mystery series Corgi Capers. Starmen By Val Muller Going stir-crazy on the craft, We open the bay doors After an hour or so …

Poetry: Curtain

Welcome to the Spot Writers. This month’s prompt is to write a piece involving a source of light (this can be taken …

Flash fiction: Howl by Val Muller

Welcome to the Spot Writers. This month’s prompt is “Halloween with a twist.” Today’s tale comes to us from Val Muller, author …