Writer Wednesday: Blythe by John E. Kramer

Today I’m pleased to share three trailers for a forthcoming novel I had the honor of editing.

blytheBlythe by John E. Kramer is “Dark, beautiful and profound, with a wicked twist.

Blythe takes her stand in a world of physical and spiritual torment, while Aaron confronts the village leaders including his own father to find and free his love after an act of betrayal. The darkness consuming Blythe does not limit itself to her prison. Through trickery, traps, and seduction, the evil that claimed her dupes a growing cross-section of the village until only Aaron seems to have the strength to fight back.

In a work of poetic prose in a timeless setting, this cross-genre work of literary fiction plummets us into the darkest recesses of our world and lifts us to examine the most sublime potentials of our spirits.”

It’s an allegory about faith and freedom, and it has moments of brilliant prose and of amazing insight woven throughout a compelling story that builds to the finish. It’s available for pre-order now, and it’ll go live on June 20.

As with all the books I work on for Freedom Forge Press, I am most excited about the novel’s insights about freedom. This novel examines the libertarian perspective of individual rights and responsibilities inherent in the concept of freedom. Freedom is not anarchy: it is the greatest test of our humanity in that it forces us to examine our beliefs and allows us to find the best of who we are.

This was a novel that lingered with me even after I finished reading. The first time I read it, I liked how it kept me questioning my assumptions and learning about myself as the characters developed. If you’re interested in freedom and the role of individual faith, I hope you have a chance to check out this amazing novel!

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