Writer Wednesday: Vivienne Mathews
For this week’s Writer Wednesday, I’m pleased to present fellow author AND corgi lover (!!!) Vivienne Mathews!
1. Tell us about yourself:
I am a wife, a mother, a beekeeper, a former librarian, and an animal enthusiast. Oh, and an author.
2. Tell us about your book:
The Sons of Masguard and the Mosque Hill Fortune, Part One is an anthropomorphic adventure-fantasy. Basically, it’s about talking otters. But it has pirates, and pirates are kinda awesome. That counts for something, right?
3. What is your favorite character or element of your novel?
My favorite character would have to be Lady Sira. She’s so very brash and practical, with absolutely no interest in anyone’s opinions or pesky morals. I’ve had more fun writing her than any other character in the last decade.
4. What book or author has been most inspirational for you, and why?
Oh, my word, there are so many! If I could only choose one, it would have to be Watership Down by Richard Adams. It was the first book that my mother read to my sister and I after my dad died. Those nightly sessions, two kids curled up on their mother’s bed, listening to her voice… I probably found more comfort in that than anything before or since. Maybe that has very little to do with the book itself, but I reread it every few years for nostalgia’s sake. It still means a lot to me.
5. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, what non-survival-related item would you bring along that you couldn’t live without?
Sam Cooke’s Night Beat on vinyl. Best. Album. Ever. Of course, then I’d need a way to play it, wouldn’t I? Macgyver isn’t on this island by chance, is he?
6. Are you working on any other projects at the moment?
Always! I’m currently muddling my way through the first draft of book three in the Sons of Masguard series, and working up outlines for an upcoming spinoff series (The Adventures of Careful Steps) for younger readers.
7. What question do you wish I had asked?
Whether or not I have a corgi, of course. Which I do! Aren’t they the best?
8. Finally, where can we find you?
You can find me on my blog: http://viviennemathews.blogspot.com/
Via twitter: @viviennemathews
On youtube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFwAITqDsnyMrWPjkdo-WCQ?feature=mhee
On Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/viviennemathews
And you can purchase my book here: www.amazon.com/Sons-Masguard-Mosque-Fortune-ebook/dp/B00CCID3ZW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1365979341&sr=8-1&
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