Autumns Past and Present by RC Bonitz

Welcome to the Spot Writers. Today’s contribution comes from RC Bonitz, author of the new book, DANGEROUS DECISIONS, which was released in September. The prompt for this month is to write about autumn.

Autumns Past and Present

 by RC Bonitz

I love this month’s topic. Fall is my favorite season of the year, glowing with the reds and yellows of trees preparing for the chill of winter, the air clean and fresh and light jacket comfortable. Sailing in autumn is particularly special, the stifling mugginess of August gone and wonderful brisk winds driving the sails. I’m considered rather insane by my sailing friends since I much prefer to sail when whitecaps dot the harbor and spray goes flying everywhere. I’ve been a boater for most of my life, sailing, rowing, and canoeing. Most of that is in my past except when my son tosses a canoe atop his car and takes me out for a little fun.

I’m actually a spectator when it comes to rowing and autumn is the time to be one. Three members of my family have rowed in the Head of the Charles in Boston. The race takes place in the fall and is a memorable event each time you see it. This year some two thousand boats competed.

And then there’s Halloween of course. I remember when whole neighborhoods went out Trick or Treating and the little ones learned to give as well as take. We’d take the tots out early to collect their loot and then they’d stand at the front door and help give out goodies to the older kids. No one comes to the front door anymore. We buy a bag of candy just in case and end up eating it ourselves. Thank you salacious news media for scaring the dickens out of everyone.

Thanksgiving has become a bigger event in our family recently. This year I’m looking forward to seeing my married grandsons and their wives along with my great-grandson and one of my California granddaughters and her beau. Oh yeah, and their parents will be there too. (smile)

On a more sedate basis, I have a wonderful fireplace to sit beside and read during fall and winter evenings. The snap and pop of burning logs is music to my ears. The books I read must hold my attention lest I drift away and get hypnotized by the dancing flames.

Wondering where I read during the summer? Why, outdoors on our screened porch of course. (I have the best places to read!)

Oh by the way, I write contemporary romance. My fourth book, DANGEROUS DECISIONS, came out September 8. My favorite genres include most categories of romance as well as cozy mysteries and the occasional non-fiction (If it’s as captivating as a good novel.). Horror and paranormal I can do without, though you’ll find a few touches of mysticism in some of my books. That comes from my days as a psychotherapist when I had some almost magical experiences with clients. Sorry, I can’t say more about them- client privacy you know.

Fading eyesight limits my reading lately and I’m very busy writing (book five, Only Emma, is nearing completion) but I still manage to lose myself in the world of other author’s fiction quite a bit. Some of the authors I’ve enjoyed over the years include Jacqueline Winspear (her Maisie Dobbs mysteries) and Louise Penny (Armand Gamache and the Village of Three Pines, also mysteries.). I love Laura Moore’s contemporary stories and have just started her latest book, Once Tasted. I recently finished my friend Ann Clement’s, Debt of Honor (historical).

I started writing seriously about fifteen years ago and then joined the Ct. Romance Writers where my writing education took off at light speed. I’ve been an engineer, a corporate manager, a construction contractor and as I mentioned above, a psychotherapist as well as a writer. This is the career I love.

DANGEROUS DECISIONS is available now. I hope you enjoy it. RC Bonitz


The Spot Writers–our members:

RC Bonitz:

Val Muller:

Catherine A. MacKenzie:

Tom Robson: Blog pending


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