Fantastic Friday: Literary Magazine

One of my most enjoyable duties as a teacher is sponsoring the school’s literary magazine. It’s a joy to discuss layout, poetry, and artwork with students and search my school for the best.

coverI was pleased that this past year, our publication earned VHSL’s top honor, Trophy Class. And this was the first year I, and another member of the faculty, decided to contribute to the publication. It had always been open to faculty submissions, even before I took over, but faculty has been generally reluctant, or too busy. Another teacher and I made a pact to submit our work (which is chosen and critiqued by the staff, stripped of author/artist names for anonymity). So far, our plan has worked, as we already have faculty submissions for this coming year.

My poem, “Demonstration,” was inspired by my grad school English professor, who always stressed the importance of doing activities along with the students and demonstrating our own vulnerability. I am proud that it was included in this award-winning edition.

You can read all the work at

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