Flash Fiction (poetry): Carpe Diem by Val Muller

Welcome to the Spot Writers. This month’s prompt is “never have/had I ever.” Today’s writing comes to us from Val Muller, author of the Corgi Capers kidlit mystery series. Find out more at www.corgicapers.com.

The dandelion, pictured below, served as inspiration for this poem.

Carpe Diem

By Val Muller


dandelion after the rain

A dandelion after the rain.

Never had I ever thought

I’d wait for bread in line

Or that a Meatless Monday

Would happen in my time.


Never had I ever thought

I’d stare at empty shelves,

Or panic when I coughed a bit

Or gasped for breath if I yelled.


Never had I ever thought

I’d live to see the day

When the 1918 pandemic

Came back again this way.


Never had I ever thought

The schools would shut their doors,

That I’d wash my hands ‘til raw

After a dangerous visit to a store.


Never had I ever thought

I’d be shuttered in my home,

To work from screen and keyboard

And to communicate—alone.


Never in my busy life

Had I ever banked on this:

That time, my short commodity,

Was now given as a gift.


Never had I ever seen

Dandelions graced by the rain

While tiptoeing through chilly dew:

It was like childhood again,


That timeless sense of wonder,

The lack of any rush,

To watch raindrops melt off flowers

In the early morning’s hush.


Never I, since growing up,

Felt wonder flow so free

As when this time afforded me to sit

While the trees whispered in the breeze,

Or when I watched a honey bee

Floating through the trees.

And while the world slows down a while

In fear of this disease,

And stresses about washing hands

And worrying when we sneeze,

We’re forced to wait—actionless—

While Fates do what they please:

The beauty’s there for those who’ll see,

Who can take the day—and seize!


The Spot Writers—Our Members:

Val Muller: https://valmuller.com/blog/

Catherine A. MacKenzie: https://writingwicket.wordpress.com/wicker-chitter/

Phil Yeats: https://alankemisterauthor.wordpress.com

Chiara De Giorgi: https://chiaradegiorgi.blogspot.com/


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