Poetry: Dark Side by Val Muller

Welcome to the Spot Writers. The prompt for this month is “Back to School.” This week’s poem comes to us from Val Muller, a high school teacher who has mixed feeling about going back to school this year (sad summer is over, yet feeling really positive about this year). This poem is based on her feelings of her first “back to school,” which felt much more intimidating than preschool had. And, appropriately, this is being posted on the first day of classes this year.


Dark Side

By Val Muller

She began the day as Princess Leia,

Ready to take on an empire.

Kindergarten would fall to her Force.


Except when she stepped out of the car,

The world tugged on her hair,

And Leia’s power fell with her resolve.


“Why can’t you walk me in?” she asked.

“Mike’s mom’s walking him in right now.”


“Mike begged her not to,” Mom said,

Unclipping her braids.

“He knows it’s okay to walk in on his own.

It’s part of growing up.”


The girl chewed on the ends of her braids.

She was only four. She was not ready

To grow up.


“Please, Mom.”


Mom’s eyes said no.

They pointed to the door.

“Go,” she said.


The girl’s eyes turned angry.

“I wish I could switch moms,” she said,

Not looking back to see how her words hurt

As she entered the classroom,

Feeling a little of the anger of the Dark Side

Playing with her emotions

For the very first time.


The Spot Writers—Our Members:

Val Muller: https://valmuller.com/blog/

Catherine A. MacKenzie: https://writingwicket.wordpress.com/wicker-chitter/

Phil Yeats: https://alankemisterauthor.wordpress.com

Chiara De Giorgi: https://chiaradegiorgi.blogspot.ca/


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