Flash Fiction: Calvin’s First Day by Cathy MacKenzie
Welcome to the Spot Writers. The prompt for this month is to use the following phrases (in any order): “back to school,” “glorious roar,” “and then it fizzled,” and “while the wind gusted.” This week’s contribution comes from Cathy MacKenzie.
Give Cathy’s new Facebook page, “Granny MacKenzie’s Children’s Books,” a “like” and a comment perhaps?
Calvin’s First Day
by Cathy MacKenzie
From the living room window, Carol watched the bus vanish down the street, taking with it her only child. How would Calvin, a young five-year-old, not as mature as others his age, survive the day? Back to school, a term never before applied to him, arrived too soon.
Throughout the summer, Carol had hoped her fears would dissipate and she’d watch the bus zoom off in a glorious roar, an event to rejoice. But the bus disappearing to pick up other children, ones more prepared than hers, filled her stomach with flip-flop motions.
She had taken a vacation day from work in order to see Calvin off in the morning and greet him home mid-afternoon. She tried to concentrate on reading, but too many thoughts flashed through her mind.
A sudden noise caused her to walk to the window. While the wind gusted and the sky darkened, she pictured Calvin crying and the teacher scolding and him slinking to the corner where he’d don a dunce cap.
And then it fizzled. The wind died as quickly as it had arrived. The sky changed to baby blue, the sun replacing black clouds.
Carol brushed away her tears. So what if he peed his pants. Teachers were trained to deal with children his age, and Miss Jones would handle any situation. Five-year-olds were allowed leeway, especially on their first day. Heck, this school year wasn’t grade one but primary, a glorified term for kindergarten.
She smiled. Calvin would be okay.
The Spot Writers—Our Members:
RC Bonitz: http://www.rcbonitz.com
Val Muller: https://valmuller.com/blog/
Catherine A. MacKenzie: https://writingwicket.wordpress.com/wicker-chitter/
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