Flash Poetry: Across the Fence by Cathy MacKenzie
Welcome to The Spot Writers. September’s prompt, a hard one: Write about a character whose one ability is to amplify the best traits in others. Who would they hang around? Who would they choose to avoid?
This week’s post is from Cathy MacKenzie. She found it such a difficult prompt that she was forced to dig into her stash of poems (always a poem for every season!) for something suitable. This one, she says, was written many years ago—no, it doesn’t exactly follow the prompt, and it’s a simple, amateurish poem, but maybe it’ll resonate with someone.
Cathy’s one-woman publishing company, MacKenzie Publishing, has published its second anthology, TWO EYES OPEN, a collection of sixteen stories by sixteen authors, to read during the day . . . or at night, as long as two eyes are open. Note: Not “horrific horror” . . . more like intrigue, mystery, thriller. Simply a “good read.”
Across the Fence
From her kitchen window,
she views the Porsche
and two other vehicles—
one a fancy four-wheel drive—
and a house twice the size of hers
with granite countertops
and modern appliances
and big screen TVs.
She knows of the neighbours’ vacations—
their twice-yearly cruises—
having seen photos they shared
and bragged about.
Oh, what money can buy!
She thinks of the husband away—
weeks at a time—
the shouting and slamming doors
when he’s home,
and, not by choice, a childless household.
She examines her side of the fence—
grass needing to be greener,
an empty driveway,
cracked and dulled countertops,
out-dated but still-working appliances,
shabby furniture—
all needing an overhaul.
How has she come to be
in this neighbourhood?
She caresses her baby boy
content in her arms,
pictures her daughter at school
and her husband soon home from work.
Her life may not be perfect,
but it’s full of love and joy
and complete—
the four of them
in their wondrous world
with things money can’t buy,
while living across the fence.
The Spot Writers—Our Members:
Val Muller: https://valmuller.com/blog/
Catherine A. MacKenzie: https://writingwicket.wordpress.com/wicker-chitter/
Dorothy Colinco: www.dorothycolinco.com
CaraMarie Christy: https://calamariwriting.wordpress.com/
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