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Return of the Light by Val Muller

Welcome to the Spot Writers. The prompt for this month is to write about new neighbors moving in. Today’s tale comes to us from Val Muller, author of the Corgi Capers kidlit series.  Return of the Light By Val Muller The fire crackled, and Samantha tossed another log on it. …

Flash Fiction: All Hallows Magic

Welcome to the Spot Writers. This month’s prompt is to use these five words in a tale: wax, teeth, stain, spirit, quiet. This week’s tale comes to us from Val Muller, author of the Corgi Capers kidlit mystery series. All Hallows Magic By Val Muller “Wax candies,” Grandma was saying. …

Flash Fiction: Wayward Lee by Cathy MacKenzie

Welcome to The Spot Writers. The prompt for this cycle is to write a story that involves waiting for something. Today’s tale comes to us from Cathy MacKenzie. Along with several short story collections, books of poetry, and two novels, Cathy has published three anthologies under her imprint, MacKenzie Publishing. …

Flash fiction: Lurking by Val Muller

Welcome to The Spot Writers. This month’s prompt is to write a story involving waiting.  Today’s tale comes to us from Val Muller, author of the kidlit series Corgi Capers. Lurking By Val Muller The autumn chill bit the air. Leaving the window cracked open seemed like such a good …

Flash fiction: Postpartum

Welcome to the Spot Writers. This month’s prompt is to write a story involving a penguin. Today’s story comes to us from Val Muller, author of the kidlit series Corgi Capers.  Note: getting ready for my own baby penguin, I forgot to post this story on August 30. The penguin …

Book Review: Nayra and the Djinn by Iasmin Omar Ata

While my son was in the library, I decided to pick up a graphic novel from the middle grade/young adult section to read over while he ignored storytime and played with all the hands-on activities in the children’s section. This story caught my eye because of its multicultural elements: it …

When the Emperor was Divine by Julie Otsuka

When I was in college, I heard an author speak. I did little research about her before I went to hear her read a passage from her book, When the Emperor was Divine, but I do remember a poignant passage she read about a woman, a shovel, and a dog. …