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Fantastic Friday

Fantastic Friday: Found

Several months ago, I read the story of a toddler who had wandered in the woods while his grandmother watched him. He was lost for days.  I remember waking up each day actively searching the news and waiting for the gut-punch when I glimpsed a headline that his body was …

Fantastic Friday: Pavlovian Lullaby

Today’s Fantastic Friday post is short and sweet. When we were transferring my son from his bassinet-style cradle to a regular crib, there were some rough patches as he learned to self-soothe. We found this video on YouTube: I had tried several different ones, and this one popped up …

Fantastic Friday: Karma

Last week, I stopped at McDonalds for breakfast on the way to work. Long story short, a man in a truck decided to cut in front of me in line IN THE DRIVE THRU, going to contortions to pull his truck in front of my car. (If you want the …

Fantastic Friday: Peace

One of my favorite positive websites to browse is The site is ripe with examples of the strides we’ve made as humans over generations. The site is highly “clickable,” allowing you to find data and statistics for things like falling rates of disease or the success of markets from …

Fantastic Friday: In Loving Memory

I lost my uncle unexpectedly recently, and that got me thinking about life. What does a life boil down to? What are the ways we all affect each other? More people than expected showed for the viewing, and it seems no matter how isolated we may seem, we impact our …

Fantastic Friday: Nature’s Gifts

Maybe it’s just this time of year, on the cusp of summer, but I sure feel like a transcendentalist lately. It seems no matter what is happening, it feels better out in nature. Battling a stressful literary magazine seemed impossible indoors, but proofing the issue outside, among chirping birds and …

Fantastic Friday: Rebirth

How’s the weather where you live? Here, we’ve had unprecedented rain. Our sump pump was running almost nonstop, dumping water onto an already-saturated ground. We had to build our own version of a Roman aqueduct to direct water away from the house and keep the basement dry.   The nonstop …