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Fantastic Friday: Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas! This year, so many people are complaining about the difficulty of getting into the Christmas spirit when the weather is hovering around 70 degrees across the East Coast. I don’t share that problem. I have no issues wearing sandals and having open windows while the Christmas tree is …

That Holiday Magic

I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about Elf On The Shelf again—that mischievous “game” in which parents torment their kids with “deeds” the demented-looking elf commits while the kids are sleeping. Though Elf On The Shelf wasn’t a thing when I was a kid, my dad did plenty to …

Thirty Days of Thankful: 2014

As I’ve done in Novembers of the past, I wanted to highlight thirty reasons I am thankful. It’s so easy to go through each day dwelling on the negative; in fact, it seems negativity spreads much more quickly than positivity. But if we each take just a moment to thank …

The Prickling Time of Year

Happy October! For those of you loving sweaters and pumpkin spice everything, happy October! For those of you dreading the snow and plummeting temperatures—enjoy October while you can. And for those of you (like me) who miss summer already, just be glad it’s not winter quite yet—and “we are closer …

Two Views on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is one of those days. While there’s a nice “warm, fuzzy” about it, it also seems somewhat manic—either someone is ecstatic about the holiday, or else in the doldrums. I thought I’d match the manic nature with my Valentine’s Day post, musing on the pros and cons of …