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Spot Writers: Hilda’s Magic Brew

Today’s Halloween-inspired tale comes from multi-genre author Val Muller. Her two Halloween works, Faulkner’s Apprentice (adult horror) and The Sorceress of Stoney Brook (spooky middle-grade mystery) are available at   Look forward to next week’s tale, coming to us from Cathy MacKenzie, who you can stalk at   …

Name That Cat

While I planned to write Corgi Capers 3 over the summer, a fortunate influx of writing projects (Forging Freedom anthology and some other exciting forthcoming projects I’ve written or edited) has put me behind schedule. Looking at my upcoming schedule, it looks like I’ll be writing Corgi Capers 3 in …

In the Spirit of the Holidays

As December begins, I wanted to share some opportunities for giving and saving (or both!): First, one of my publishers, DWB, is raising money to help a family in need this Christmas. You can read the family’s story, and find out how to donate, at this link. As a corgi …