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Fantastic Fridays: To Allen

There are some people in life who always seem to look on the bright side of any situation. My father-in-law, Allen, was one of them. No matter what was happening, he was always the one making a joke or finding the humor in a situation. He rarely (ever?) let things …

In the Hands of Others

The thing I despise most is having control of my life placed into someone else’s hands. It is a certainty in life that not everything is able to be controlled. Nonetheless, there are things we can do to lower risks to ourselves. I found myself in a situation Tuesday morning …

Thirty Days of Thankful: 2014

As I’ve done in Novembers of the past, I wanted to highlight thirty reasons I am thankful. It’s so easy to go through each day dwelling on the negative; in fact, it seems negativity spreads much more quickly than positivity. But if we each take just a moment to thank …

The Prickling Time of Year

Happy October! For those of you loving sweaters and pumpkin spice everything, happy October! For those of you dreading the snow and plummeting temperatures—enjoy October while you can. And for those of you (like me) who miss summer already, just be glad it’s not winter quite yet—and “we are closer …