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toddler tuesday

Toddler Tuesday: Possession

When I was growing up, my dad used to call me by the dog’s name, the dog by my sister’s name, my sister by my mother’s name, and all sorts of other combinations. I thought he was insane. Turns out, he was just a typical parent. Now that I have …

Toddler Tuesday: British-isms

Last week, the Toddler Tuesday post featured words the toddler makes up or combines to make sense of the world. Here is a video she helped me make to demonstrate the word “fluffly.” My daughter’s first television show—at least, the first one that captivated her attention—was Peppa Pig. It was …

Toddler Tuesday: Like Shakespeare

I remember in school, English teachers loved to tout the fact that Shakespeare made up words when he couldn’t find one to suit his needs. Some used it to argue for Shakespeare’s genius. Others seemed to want to make students feel better when creating a word of their own. I …