Summer Reading Giveaway


The corgis enjoying some summer peace.

So many people have been talking about and posting about how happy they are that it is summer–and many of them primarily because summer affords us the time to do one of my favorite activities:



When I was a kid, my dad built me a treehouse. I remember going up there to read often. There’s just something calming and invigorating about hearing the wind rustle through the summer leaves, the way the birds and crickets chirp, the way the sunlight filters through the trees and makes dancing patterns of light against everything. There’s so much life out there in summer that on a summer afternoon, it’s hard to believe it ever was–or ever will be–winter.

Books seem to possess that inherent quality of summer–the quality of life, of being alive. Reading a book helps us to see the elements of the human condition that run through us all. The ability never to give up. To dream. To pursue.

To celebrate summer and all the freedoms it affords us, I’ve put together a giveaway with some of my author friends. Lots of prizes up for grabs. Good luck, and happy reading!

Enter the giveaway here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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