Fantastic Friday: The Sower Comes Launch and Giveaway
Each Friday, I post something to celebrate–we could all use a bit more good news and positive vibes in the world. Today I’m helping fellow author Melissa Eskue Ousley celebrate the launch of her new book, The Sower Comes. She’s invited 10 authors to celebrate with her on her Facebook page on Sunday, July 12th from 12 noon Pacific time (3 p.m. Eastern). Each author will host 30 minutes and will feature a giveaway.
You’ll find my giveaway below. So even if you can’t join us on Sunday, you can still have a chance to win!
On Sunday, I’ll be highlighting my young adult novel, The Scarred Letter. If you’re not familiar, check out the trailer:
And the latest review:
“Val Muller wrote this to be both gut-wrenching and lyrical, drawing inspiration for her characters and the story from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel. The juxtaposition of the beautiful and almost-grotesque paint an intriging, accurate picture of life in the halls of a school made famous for sports achievements—and what it’s like to be an outsider. The climax of Heather’s “before” and introduction to the “after”–the branding of her as a traitor in the form of a large “T” drawn across the middle of her face—tugs at readers hearts while putting into perspective what happens when otherwise good people stand by and let others speak (or, in this instance, react) for them.” – Betwixt These Pages (full review here)
And, as promised, the giveaway:
I’ll be giving away one paperback copy of Corgi Capers (book 1, 2, or 3–winner’s choice), two paperback copies of For Whom My Heart Beats Eternal, one paperback copy of the freedom-themed anthology Forging Freedom (volume 1), one paperback copy of The Scarred Letter, and several ebook coupon codes for The Scarred Letter. Please note that paperback copies can only be shipped to US addresses. Winners will be drawn on August 8 and notified via email. (If you are having trouble viewing or using the Rafflecopter entry form below, you can simply enter at this link:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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