Fantastic Friday: Transcending Words

When I was pregnant, I could not write. I was overwhelmed with worry so that visual art became my creative outlet. I took up sketching, then drawing, something I’d done years before, but never professionally.

I find that when times are stressful, I enjoy the simple beauty of art, the fact that it transcends words, and really, the intentional time and effort it takes to create. It reaches me on a level different than writing—my go-to stories or poetry.

A friend stopped by the house yesterday to drop off (in a socially distant way) toys she had bought for my kids. My daughter picked a small bouquet of buttercups for her, and my friend texted that the small gesture of my daughter handing over flowers (albeit into a covered hand) brought a much-needed smile to her face and was a nice reminder of her own childhood.

So for today’s Fantastic Friday, instead of words, I will share some photography I took during my time outdoors this week. This week for me, it was about enjoying the little things.

I hope everyone is finding little things to enjoy. Sometimes the little things are the ones that bring us the most joy.

The May 2020 flower moon. I finally learned how to photograph the moon; I just need a bigger lens!

bee in tree

A bee investigates a flowering tree.

dandelion after the rain

A dandelion after the rain.

Sometimes the smallest things bring the biggest smile.

full moon

Found on camera: March 2020’s full moon.

Not sure what this flowering bush is, but my daughter loves how it looks like snow.

I almost wanted to use photo editing to tone down the color of these flowers. They really are that blinding!

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