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Poetry: Fear of Flossing by Val Muller

Welcome to the Spot Writers. This month’s prompt is to write on the theme “trying something new.” This week’s poem comes to us from Val Muller, author of the kidlit mystery series Corgi Capers. This poem may or may not have been written in the dentists’ waiting room. Fear of …

Flash fiction: Return to Canterville by Chiara De Giorgi

Welcome to The Spot Writers. This month’s prompt: autumn/Halloween. Write a story where a literal or metaphorical ghost plays a prominent role. This week’s contribution comes from Chiara De Giorgi. Chiara is currently in Berlin, Germany, doing her best to catch up with semi-abandoned writing projects. Her YA novel “Mi …

Poetry: Dark Side by Val Muller

Welcome to the Spot Writers. The prompt for this month is “Back to School.” This week’s poem comes to us from Val Muller, a high school teacher who has mixed feeling about going back to school this year (sad summer is over, yet feeling really positive about this year). This …

Sneak peek: The Grass is Always Snowier…

Welcome to the Spot Writers. This month’s prompt is, “The door you locked is wide open.” Today’s tale is one that takes the prompt quite literally. We’re in the midst of a heat wave in many parts of the country, so why not think about something a little…snowier? While I’m …