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Storytelling for Kids

I’m excited to be teaching an online class next month called Storytelling for Kids. The class runs June 3-28, 2019, and you can sign up at In this four-week course, students will examine techniques for writing stories for middle grade and young adult. In addition to feedback received on weekly activities, …

Writer Wednesday with Christy Diachenko

This week, I had a chance to interview Christy Diachenko. Her newest book, Nolle Prosequi, has just been released, and it looks like she’s woven in personal experience, fiction, and faith to create her tale. As I learned in the interview, she hopes to entertain while also helping others through …

Writer Wednesday with Jo Marshall

This week I had a chance to interview Jo Marshall, a fellow children’s author. I love learning the “back story” about how authors became inspired for their series, and I enjoyed learning more about Jo. Her books will eventually appear on my Monday book review feature of this blog, so …

Writer Wednesday with Lana Kortchik

This week I got to chat with Lana Kortchik, author of Savaged Lands, released with Endeavor Press. I enjoyed her tale, “Sixteen Days Ago,” in Freedom Forge Press’s Forging Freedom anthology. She’s had experiences living in diverse locations around the globe, and that certainly seems to have influenced her writing! …

Networking Opportunities for Writers

When I was in high school, I heard the cliché “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know” so many times that I vowed to disprove it. I always felt it was important to obtain skills and knowledge. The world wouldn’t be fair if someone without knowledge could climb …