Celebrating Independence Blog Hop!

Welcome to my stop on the Celebrating Independence Blog Hop (http://thebloghopspot.com/event-page/)

I’m so thankful to live in a land of freedom. But when I think of the ultimate freedom, I realize that there’s something we’re all bound to: Time.

In my romance novella, For Whom My Heart Beats Eternal, the protagonists are forty years apart and left to wonder what might have happened if they had been born closer together… until Anna is sent back in time to the 1970s, when the love of her life is a burgeoning young graduate student almost the same age as her…


To learn more about the novella, check it out on Amazon or OmniLit.


The concept of time travel has always fascinated me. And then there’s the question: if we do travel in time, can we change the past/future, or would we have already traveled back and changed it? I love a good paradox to get me thinking!


What are your thoughts on time travel? Leave a comment to let me know, and if you’d like to win a copy of the novella, be sure to enter using the Rafflecopter entry form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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