Spot Writers: Flash Fiction
Welcome to another installment of Thursday’s Spot Writers Flash Fiction! Today’s piece comes to us from Jessica Degarmo.
I awaken slowly, exquisitely, alive from the soles of my bare feet to the top of my mussed head. My body hums with electricity, a spark that has started from my skin and moved inside me; it nestles into my heart and throbs there, speaking to me. I am awake. I am alive, perhaps for the first time ever.
I am lying in my bed, the same old bed I’ve always had, the same rumpled quilt tossed carelessly over my still form. I look around me and everything is the same. The walls, covered with memories and dreams, envelop me, hide me, comfort me. Everything is the same, yet everything is different.
He touches me once; a light caress that feels like the kiss of a butterfly. This monarch’s kiss makes me tremble. My arm, exposed to the cool evening air wafting in through my open window, leaps into goose pimples. He chuckles once and reaches out again to tease me.
His firm hand runs down my arm, so gently, so maddeningly I feel I might die from it. It is merely a touch, but it is everything.
He lays next to me and turns back the quilt, pausing to smile through the intensity smoldering on his face. His eyes soften when he sees me stare back at him. Slowly, so slowly the quilt reaches my knees, my ankles, my feet, the foot of the bed. I am bare, spread before him in the twilight, but I know no shame.
There is nothing but want.
I need him.
I reach for him with tremulous fingertips. He shakes his head. My arm lowers and my eyes follow him. The heat from his gaze warms me, makes me burn, sets me on fire. And then his hands, his body find me.
When we join, it is more than a physical act. It is everything I’ve ever wanted, everything I’ve ever needed, more than I’d ever hoped for, more than I deserve. But it is all I know, all I feel as we love together.
My heart leaps in joy; I offer each heartbeat to him, gladly. His soul is my destiny. His love is my fate.
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Next week, our Spot Writer is RC Bonitz!
The Spot Writers- our members. You can find our Thursday posts at any of the following blogs:
Catherine A. MacKenzie
Jessica Degarmo
RC Bonitz
Val Muller
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