Writer Wednesday with R. David Fulcher
This week, I had a chance to chat with author-friend David Fulcher. He likes to write on the creepy side, so I thought October would be a fitting time for an interview.
Tell us about your book.
Blood Spiders and Dark Moon contains fourteen tales of terror. Within these pages you will encounter werewolves, werecats and creatures that travel between unseen dimensions.
Who is your favorite character?
Probably Anthony Dubois in “The Words that Hurt”. Why? Because he is a werewolf – it doesn’t get much cooler than that.
Are any elements of your book autobiographical or inspired by elements of your life?
Many of the elements in these stories are from personal experience. For example, the character of the night watchman in the short story “The Watchman” comes from my own experience working as a security assistant in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. The setting in “The Land Spider” was based upon a time I visited my brother in New Mexico. The creepy neighbor in “The Man Next Door” was based upon our actual neighbor where I lived as a child. As a teenager backpacking through Germany I toured the castle featured in “The Eyes in the Night”.
What’s your favorite scene or location in the work you’re currently promoting, and why?
My favorite location is Club Mitternacht – Club Midnight – the German nightclub featured in the story of the same name. It is my favorite because it is based upon an actual nightclub I visited when I was younger, although of course some artistic liberties have been taken in the story!
If you were to be stranded on a desert island, what non-survival item would you bring along that you couldn’t live without?
At the moment I’d have to say the space exploration game No Man’s Sky. That game is simply mind-blowing.
Are you working on any other projects at the moment?
Yes – I am working on an online series called Vlad the Conqueror about the historical Dracula, Vlad Tepes. This series is on a new publishing platform called Channillo.
Finally, where can we find you? (blogs, website, facebook, twitter, etc.)
All of my books are available on Amazon. In some cases, Kindle editions are available as well. Here are some online resources about myself and my writing:
Author’s Site: www.authorsden.com/rdavidfulcher
Online Series Vlad the Conqueror: http://channillo.com/series/vlad-the-conqueror/
Twitter: @rdfgoalie
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